SQL Command

  1. DocType Definition:

    • The code defines a DocType named "SQL Command," indicating that it is used to store information related to SQL commands or queries.
  2. Autonaming Convention:

    • The autoname property specifies an autonaming convention. In this case, it uses the prefix "SQLCMD-" followed by six consecutive hash characters (######). This autonaming convention is likely to generate unique names for instances of this DocType.
  3. Fields and Attributes:

    • sql_text: This field is of type "Code," indicating it is used to store SQL text or queries.
    • amended_from: This field is of type "Link" and represents a link to another instance of the "SQL Command" DocType. It is labeled "Amended From" and is marked as read-only, meaning users cannot modify it directly. It can be used to track amendments or changes made to a SQL command.
    • doctype_name: This field is of type "Link" and represents a link to another DocType, specifically "DocType." It is labeled "DocType Name" and is marked as read-only.
    • names: This field is of type "Small Text" and is labeled "Names." It is marked as read-only and may store names related to the SQL command.
  4. Indexing for Web Search:

    • The index_web_pages_for_search property is set to 1, indicating that instances of this DocType should be indexed for web search. This may be useful for quickly retrieving information through a search interface.
  5. Submittable:

    • The is_submittable property is set to 1, indicating that instances of this DocType can be submitted. Submittable DocTypes are typically used in transactional processes where records go through a submission workflow.
  6. Permissions:

    • The permissions property defines access permissions for the "System Manager" role. It specifies what actions this role can perform, such as creating, deleting, emailing, exporting, printing, reading, reporting, sharing, and writing records of this DocType.
  7. Tracking Changes:

    • The track_changes property is set to 1, indicating that changes to instances of this DocType should be tracked. This is useful for auditing and maintaining a history of modifications made to the data.
  8. Owner and Module:

    • The owner of this DocType is set to "Administrator," indicating the user who initially created it.
    • The module is specified as "CSF TZ."

In summary, the purpose of this code is to define a DocType for storing SQL commands or queries. It includes fields for the SQL text, amendment tracking, related DocType information, and other attributes. The autonaming convention ensures unique names for instances, and permissions are set for the System Manager role. This DocType is designed to be submittable and tracks changes for auditing purposes.

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