Expense Type

  1. Fields:

    • expense_type: A Data field representing the type of expense. It is required.
    • company: A Link field to the "Company" DocType, fetched from the associated section's company. It is read-only.
    • expense_account: A Link field to the "Account" DocType representing the expense account. It is required.
    • section: A Link field to the "Section" DocType. It is required.
    • item: A Link field to the "Item" DocType, fetched from the associated expense account. It is read-only and required.
  2. Grid Settings:

    • field_order: Specifies the order of fields in the form.
    • editable_grid: 1 (Indicates that the grid can be edited.)
  3. Breaks and Columns:

    • column_break_3: A Column Break used for organizing the layout.
  4. Timestamps and Tracking:

    • creation: Timestamp indicating when the DocType was created.
    • modified: Timestamp indicating the last modification time.
    • modified_by: User who last modified the DocType.
    • track_changes: 1 (Indicates that changes to this DocType should be tracked.)
  5. Permissions:

    • Permissions are defined for roles "System Manager" and "Section Manager" to perform actions like create, delete, submit, etc.
  6. Sorting and Engine Information:

    • sort_field: "modified"
    • sort_order: "DESC" (Specifies the sorting order for the records based on the modification timestamp.)
    • engine: "InnoDB" (Database storage engine used.)

In summary, this DocType is designed to capture information related to different types of expenses. It includes details such as the expense type, associated company, expense account, section, and the corresponding item. The layout is organized with a column break for better presentation in the form, and permissions are defined for roles "System Manager" and "Section Manager" to manage instances of this DocType. Instances of this DocType can be automatically named based on the format specified in the autoname field.

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