Apartment Status


The "Apartment Status" DocType is designed to manage and track the status of apartments within a property management system. This document provides detailed instructions on how to use and interact with the "Apartment Status" DocType.

Home > Property Management Status > Apartment Status > New Apartment Status


  1. Apartment No

  2. BHK

    • Description: BHK stands for "Bedroom, Hall, and Kitchen." It is a common term used in the real estate industry to describe the configuration of a residential apartment. Here's a breakdown:

      • B stands for Bedroom: Indicates the number of bedrooms in the apartment.

      • H stands for Hall: Refers to the living room or hall.

      • K stands for Kitchen: Refers to the kitchen area.

  3. Rent

  4. Agreement Start Date

  5. Agreement End Date

    Instructions for Use

    Creating a New Apartment Status Entry:

    • Navigate to the "Apartment Status" DocType.

    • Click on "New" to create a new entry.

    • Fill in the necessary details:

      • Apartment No: Enter the apartment number.

      • BHK: Enter the BHK details.

      • Rent: Enter the rent amount.

      • Agreement Start Date: Select the start date of the agreement.

      • Agreement End Date: Select the end date of the agreement.

    • Click on "Save" to save the entry.

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