Tool Item Record

1. Introduction

The Tool Item Record form is part of the Property Management Solution module. This form tracks the assignment and return of tool sets by staff members. It captures information such as who tool the tool, the reason for taking it, and when it was returned.

2. Accessing the Tool Item Record Form

To access the tool Item Record form:

Home >> Property Management Solution >> Tool tem Record

Once selected, you can create a new record or view and manage existing records.

3. Field Descriptions

Here are the fields available in the Tool Item Record form:

Tool Item Set:

Select the tool set being borrowed. This field links to predefined tool sets.

Set Name

Automatically populated with the name of the selected tool set.

Staff Type:

Choose the type of staff borrowing the tool set. Available options include "Spik n Span", "Staff", "Security", "Consultant", and "Others."

Taken by:

Enter the name of the person who took the tool.

Reason for Tool Item Taken:

specify the reason for borrowing the tool set.

Datetime Taken

The date and time when the tool set was taken. this field is automatically set to the current date and time when the form is created.


Check this box when the tool set is returned. This action triggers the automation of the return date and time.

*Return Date and Time:

Automatically filled with the current date and time when the tool set is marked as returned.

Other Remarks:

Enter any additional remarks or comments related to the tol set or its usage.

4. Creating and Managing Tool Ite Records

To create a new **Tool Item Record:

  1. Tool Item Set: Select the tool set being taken from the dropdown list. The Set Name will automatically populate based on the selected tool set.

  2. Staff Type: Choose the appropriate staff tpe from the provided options.

  3. Taken by: Enter the name of the staff member taking the tool.

  4. Reason for Tool Item Taken: Provide a reason for borrowing the tool.

  5. The Datetime Taken will be automatically fillled with the current date and time.

  6. Once the tool is returned, check the Returned checkbox. This will automatically fill in the Return date and Time with the current date and time.

  7. Add any additional comments in the Other Remarks field if necessary.

  8. Save the form once all details are completed.
