Meter Reading Detail

1. Introduction

The Meter Reading Detail screen is a child table with the Meter Reading form that stores detailed information about individual meter readings for specific properties. This table includes fiels for property selection, meter details, previous and current readings, as well as funtionality for invoice generation and mangement.

2. Accessing the Meter Reading Detail

To access the Meter Reading Detail:

  • Home> Property Management Solution> Meter Reading

  • Scroll down to the Meter Reading Detail table.

  • You can add, edit, or view individual rows of meter readings for various properties within this table.

3. Field Descriptions

Below are the fields available in the Meter Reading Detail table, with their descriptions:

  • Property:

Description: Select the property for which the meter reading is being recorded.

  • Meter Number:

Description: The system fetches the meter number for the selected property and meter type. This field is auto-filled.

  • Previous Meter Reading:

Description: Displays the previous reading for the selected meter. The value is auto-fetched based on historical data.

  • Current Meter Reading:

Description: Enter the current meter reading. This value must be greater than the previous meter reading to be valid.

  • Reading Difference

Descriptions: The system automatically calculates the difference between the current and previous readings.

  • Previous Reading Date:

Descriptions: The date of the previous meter reading, auto-fetched from historical records.

  • Do Not Create Invoice:

Description: If checked, this field will prevent an invoice from being generated for the meter reading.

  • Invoice Number:

Description: The invoice number generated for this meter reading, if applicable. This field is populated after an invoice s created.

4. Creating and Managing Meter Reading Details:

To create or edit a meter reading entry in the Meter Reading Detail table:

  1. Add a New Row: Click on the Add Row button in the Meter Reading Detail table.

  2. Property: Select the property from the rop-down list. The system will automatically fetch the associated active meter number.

  3. Previous Meter Reading: This value is auto-filled based on the last recorded meter reading for the selected property.

  4. Current Meter Reading: Manually enter the current meter reading. Ensure that this value is greater than the previous reading.

  5. Reading Difference: This field is calculated automatically after you input the current reading.

  6. Save the form once all detals are entered.


  • The system will validate that the Current Meter Reading is greater than the Previous Meter Reading. If not, an error will be thrown, and you uwill need to current the input before saving.

5. Invoice Manangement

The Meter Reading Detail table has fields specifically designed for managing invoicing:

  • Do Not Create Invoice: If checked, no invoice will be generated for this particular reading. This is useful for situations where a reading should not trigger billing (e.g., testing or validation periods).

  • Invoice Number: If an invoice is generated based on the meter reading, the corresponding Sales Invoice number will appear in this field.

This allows for seamless integration between meter readings and billing.
