Rent Invoices Details USD


The Rent Invoices Details USD report provides a detailed view of rent invoices in USD for a selected date range and item group. This report can help users track rent collections and invoice amounts in USD, converting from the company’s base currency if necessary.

1. Purpose of the Rent Invoices Details USD Report

This report allows users to:

  • Track rent invoices for different item groups and properties.

  • Display financial amounts in both the company’s base currency and in USD.

  • Drill down into specific invoice details, such as item quantity, dates, and amounts.

  • Filter the data based on companies, item groups, and dates.

2. Key Fields in the Report

The report includes the following fields:


  • Description: Displays the property for which the rent invoice is generated.


  • Description: The name of the tenant who is paying rent.


  • Description: The reference lease agreement related to the rent.


  • Description: The sales invoice number.


  • Description: The posting date of the sales invoice.

Exchange Rate:

  • Description: The exchange rate used for conversion between the company’s base currency and USD.


  • Description: The specific rent or service item.


  • Description: Quantity of the rent or service item.

Item Total (USD):

  • Description: Total rent amount for the item in USD.

From Date:

  • Description: The start date of the rent or service period.

To Date:

  • Description: The end date of the rent or service period.

Monthly Breakdown (if applicable):

  • Description: Rent amount breakdown for each month in USD.

Advance Before/After (USD):

  • Description: Any advance payment made before or after the rent period, calculated in USD.

3. Report Filters

The Rent Invoices Details USD report includes the following filters:


  • Description: Choose the company for which the report is generated.

Item Group:

  • Options: Item Group.

  • Description: Filter based on the type of rent (e.g., Commercial Rent, Residential Rent).

Start Date:

  • Description: The starting date for the rent invoice report.

End Date:

  • Description: The end date for the rent invoice report.


  • Description: A checkbox to control the range of data displayed (optional).

Generating the Report

  • Navigate to the Rent Invoices Details USD report in the Property Management Solution module.

  • Select the Company.

  • Select the Item Group for which you want to view rent invoices.

  • Choose the Start and End Dates.

  • Click "Run" to generate the report.
