Issue Materials Detail


The Issue Materials Detail doctype is part of the Property Management Solution module. It is used for tracking the details of materials issued during maintenance, repairs, or operational activities. This screen captures the item, quantity, rate, amount, and material management and tracking. It is typically used as a child table within a larger document, such as a work order, material request; or maintenance tasks.

1. Understanding the Issue Materials Detail Doctype

The Issue Materials Detail screen is used to record and manage materials issued for various tasks like maintenance repairs or operational activities. The screen tracks the item issued, its quantity, rate, and the current status of the material (whether requested, received, inprogress or completed).

It is designed as a child doctype, meaning it is embedded in a parent form such a material request or maintenance order, The screen provides detailed tracking of each material, including whether it was for internal consumption or charged to a customer.

2. Form Fields Explanation

The Issue Materials Detail screen contains several fields that allow the trackig of materials and their associated information.

Material Status

  • Options: Requested, Receive and WIP (Work in Progress), Work Done, Bill, Self Consumption

This field tracks the current status of the material, such as whether it is requested, in progress, completed, billed, or consumed internally.


This field allows users to elect the item being issued from the item screen.


This field captures the number of units of the item being issued, fetched from the standard rate of the selected item.


This field calculates the total amount for the issued items based on the quantity and rate.

UOM (Unit of Measure)

This field captures the unit of measure for the item being issued, automatically fetched from the selected item.


This field indicates whether the item was issued through a Point of Sale (POS) transaction. The field is only enabled when the material status is not to Self Consumption

Material Request

This field can be used to a reference a material request associated with the issued materials.

3. How to User Issue Materials Detail Screen

Step-by-Step Usage

  1. Open Parent Form: The Issue Materials Detail screen is typically embedded within a parent form, such as a maintenance request, wowrk order, or material request.

  2. Add Issued Materials:

  • In the Issue Materials Detail section, click on Add Row

  • Select the Item from the list.

  • Enter the Quantity of the material being issued.

  • The UOM and Rate fields will be automatically populated based on the selected item, though they can be adjusted if necessary.

  1. Review Calculations: The Amount field will be automatically calculate the total based on the quantity and rate entered.

  2. Set Material Status: Choose the appropriate status for the material, such as Requested,Work Done, Bill, or Self Consumption

  3. Link Material Request (if applicable:) Enter a Material Request number if the issued materials are associated with a specific request.

  4. Save the Parent Form: Once all materials have been added and reviewed, save the parent form to store the isssue materials and their details.
