Security Attendance

The Security Attendance Doctype is part of the Property Management Solution module. It is designed to manage and record attendance details of security guards, including shift dates, shift names, and attendance details.

Home > Property Management Setting > Security Attendance


  • Guard Shift


The Security Attendance Doctype consists of the following fields:

  1. Shift Date

    • Description: The date of the guard shift.

  2. Shift Name

    • Options: Guard Shift

    • Description: The name of the guard shift.

  3. Attendance Details

    • Options: Security Attendance Details

    • Description: Detailed attendance records for the shift.

  4. Guard EmpID

    • Options: Employee

    • Description: The employee ID of the security guard.

  5. Guard Name

    • Description: The name of the security guard.

  6. ID No.

    • Description: The identification number of the security guard.

  7. Position

    • Description: The position or job title of the security guard.

  8. Status

    • Options: Present\Absent\Day off

    • Description: The attendance status of the security guard.

  9. Remarks (If absent)

    • Depends On: Status ='Absent'

    • Description: Remarks or reason for absence, if the guard is marked as absent.

      Usage Instructions

Adding Attendance Details:

  • Navigate to the parent doctype (e.g., Security Attendance) that includes the Security Attendance Details as a child table.

  • Click on "New Row" to add a new attendance detail record.

  • Fill in the required details, including Guard EmpID, Guard Name, Position, Status, and Remarks if the status is "Absent".

  • Save the parent document to record the attendance details.

Example Workflow

  1. Daily Attendance Recording:

    • Each day, create or open a Security Attendance record.

    • Add rows to the Security Attendance Details table for each guard on duty.

    • Enter the Guard EmpID, Guard Name, Position, Status, and any Remarks if the guard is absent.

    • Save the Security Attendance record.

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