Meter Reading

1. Introduction

The Meter Reading Screen is a critical component of the Property Management Solution module within the ERP system. It allows users to record, track, and manage meter readings for various types of meters (e.g., electricity, water). It allows users to record, track, and manage meter readings for various types of meters (e.g., electricity, water) across properties. The screen is designed for easy data entry and includes features for tracking previous reading, validating current readings, and submitting finalized readings.

2. Accessing the Meter reading Screen

To access the Meter Rading Screen:

  • Home>Property Management Solution>Meter Reading

  • You will see a list of previous meter readings or can create a new one.

3. Field Descriptions

Here is an overview of the fields available in the Meter Reading screen:

  • Meter Type

Purpose: Select the type of meter for which the reading is being recorded (e.g., eectricity, water).

  • Reading Date

Purpose: Indicates the date on which the reading was taken.

  • Meter Reading Detail:

Purpose: This is a child table where you input details for each property and its respective meter readings. Each row contains fields for property, meter number, previous, previous reading, current reading, and reading difference.

  • Amended From

Purpose: This field is automatically populated when the current meter reading reading document is an amendment of a previous reading.

4. Creating a New Meter Reading

To create a new meter reading:

  1. Click on the New button in the Meter Reading Screen.

  2. Meter Type: Select the type of meter (e.g., water, electricity).

  3. Reading Date: The system automatically populates the current date, but you can change this to a previous or future date if needed.

  4. Add multiple meter readings under the Meter Reading Detail table by clicking on Add Row:

  • Property: Select the property for which the reading is being recorded.

  • Meter Number: This will be automatically fetched once the property and meter type are selected, based on the active meter in the property.

  • Previous Meter Reading: Automatically fetched from previous records, if applicable.

  • Current Meter Reading: Enter the current reading value.

  • Reading Difference: Automatically calculated based on the difference between the current and previous readings.

  1. Once all details are filled in, click Save to store the meter reading.

5. Managing Meter Reading Details

The Meter Reading Detail table is where individual property readings are managed:

  • Property: Select the relevant property for which the meter reading is being recorded.

  • Meter Number: The system will fetch the active meter number once you have selected the property and meter type.

  • Previous Meter Reading: The system will automatically fetch the last recorded reading for the selected meter.

  • Reading Difference: This is calculated automatically by substractinh the previous reading from the current reading.
