Pending Signed Agreement


The Pending Signed Agreement report in the Property Management Solution is designed to track leases where the signed lease agreement has not yet been received. This report is essential for property managers and system administrators to ensure that lease agreements are finalized and signed by all relevant parties.

1. Purpose of the Pending Signed Agreement Report

The Pending Signed Agreement report helps users:

  • Identify lease agreements where the signed agreement has not been received.

  • Track lease status to ensure all agreements are properly documented.

  • Monitor important lease details such as property owner, tenant (customer), and lease dates.

  • This report is especially useful for property managers and administrators responsible for overseeing the leasing process and ensuring compliance with lease agreement documentation.

2. Key Fields in the Report

The Pending Signed Agreement report includes the following key columns:

Lease Name:

  • Description: The reference name of the lease document. Clicking this link allows users to view the full lease document in the system.


  • Description: The status of the lease document, which indicates if the document is in draft, submitted, or canceled status.

Property Owner:

  • Description: The name of the property owner involved in the lease agreement.

Customer (Tenant):

  • Description: The name of the customer (tenant) who is leasing the property.

Start Date:

  • Description: The start date of the lease agreement.

End Date:

  • Description: The end date of the lease agreement.

3. Report Filters and Conditions

  • The report includes a pre-defined filter that only displays leases where the signed agreement has not been received. This filter ensures that the report focuses specifically on leases that require follow-up.

Filter Conditions:

  • The filter checks the field "signedagreementreceived" in the Lease document.

  • Only leases with a "0" value for this field (i.e., signed agreement not received) will be shown in the report.

3. Usage

Generating the Report

  • Navigate to the Pending Signed Agreement report within the Property Management Solution module.

  • The report will automatically apply the filter to show only those leases where the signed agreement has not been received.

  • Click "Run" to generate the report.

Monitoring Lease Agreements

  • This report helps users ensure that all lease agreements are properly documented and signed. By identifying leases where the signed agreement is pending, property managers can follow up with tenants and property owners to finalize the agreement.